Today's featured species are herons. Florida has a multitude of heron and egret species this time of year and to a novice birder they can be challenge to identify. All these birds are wetland/marsh feeders. The top image is of a Green Heron. These birds are substantially smaller (17-22") in size than the middle and bottom herons and their legs are short and yellow. The center image is of a Little Blue Heron. These herons are 22-29" with a long neck and bill, primarily a darker blue color. The bottom photo is of a Tricolored heron. These herons are about the same size (24-28") as the Little Blues but have a distinctive white belly and rump. Shoulder shots are provided to help you see the head differences as well. All these photos were captured at either Green Cay or Wakodahatchee Wetlands in southern Florida. Blue Skies.
We have a lot of herons here in our wet country. They sometimes hunt moles and frogs. There is a kind of heron which is called blue heron too, but I am not sure that it is the same one you mentioned.
Happy holidays.
KEN, Great photos as always.. It looks like you had a wonderful and productive time if Florida.. Merry Christmas to you and yours.. stay warm
Ken : Looks like I have missed out on some fabulous action on your blog.
It sure is raining snow and fantastic bird images on your blog.
The flight shots are just awesome.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you and your dear ones...Thomas
Beautiful shots Ken. It seems like your trip is well worth the while.
forget the great bird pics ....the yule log brought tears to my eyes
yeehaaa what a site
Nice herons you have there. I posted the Great Blue on my birds blog.
Ken: Very nice captures of all the wonderful birds. I enjoy the herons.
These are one of my favorite birds. We see them often when we go to the lake.
Thanks for sharing those close up shots!
Another beautiful series with a lot of good information.
I am really enjoying the Florida series. You are getting a good combination of portraits and action shots.
great shots. I have enojoyed getting to know you through your blog over the past several months. I look forward to many more amzing pictures. Merry Christmas....
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