During the year may you have
Enough happiness to keep you sweet.
Enough trials to keep you strong.
Enough sorrow to keep you human.
Enough hope to keep you happy.
Enough failure to keep you humble.
Enough success to keep you eager.
Enough friends to give you comfort.
Enough wealth to meet your needs.
Enough enthusiasm to make you look forward to tomorrow.
Enough determination to make each day better than the
day before.
-Author Unknown
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
The images from today are some additional Roseate Spoonbills captured in Florida. The top two are from the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge in Titusvile and the bottom image is from Green Cay in Boynton Beach. In the center photo if you look close you can see a minnow in the air in between the bill opening. Blue Skies
Happy New Year, Ken!
I wish all those things for you also!
Great pictures, as usual.
Very beautiful bird. Great photo. :))) Happy New Year. :)))
Ken, Your spoonbill looks very happy. I wish you good birding, good weather with lots of good light, and wonderful photographic opportunities each and every day this new year.
Ken: Neat captures of that great bird. You and Klaus sure got your share of sightings.
I love your New Year's wish Ken. That is a beautiful spoonbill too. Florida is definitely the place to go for birding it seems.
Great photo as always Ken, I was wondering if you were back or stilll in Florida until reading your previous post.
I am assuming you have finished your EMT class and begun operating with a local fire and ems department in your area. If so stay safe, remember your bsi and the stick side goes down. Happy New Year, Brad.
And may you have all these wonderful things too. Beautiful spoonbill.
Happy New Year Ken. Those are amazing images of the spoonbill
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