Been busy with programs and my seasonal waterfowl position and haven't had much time for photography since returning from MN. So, today's post are some backyard birds that visited during the snow we received earlier this week.> We put black sunflower, milo, cracked corn and suet and have an average of a dozen different avian species per day. The top image is a Purple Finch, the middle bird is a Tufted Titmouse and the bottom image is a Wren. Blue Skies.
I always felt that birds and snow always worked well together for photography. Nice Captures for sure.
Ken: What a neat series of birds, I enjoy taking teir photos.
Well, they cover all the primary colors, don't they?
I just love the bird photos!
Great captures Ken. There are some things in life we have to make time for and the break between the hussle and bustle does s good. I always take time to stop and smell the roses. :)
Ken these are outstanding bird shots great photography as usual I really like the first bird, pretty colours :)))
Thank you Mr. Ken for his comments.
When nothing else is available the backyard birds will always save the day. Truly excellent photographs Ken!
That snow storm missed us completely with the western edge about thirty miles to our east.
3 stunning compositions Ken. Marvelous.
One suggestion is to keep the aspect ratio of the images to a standard size like 3x2, 3x4, 4x5, 5x7 etc.
Beautiful pictures, Ken.
As usual.
We had about 3" of snow last week.
Enjoying the sunshine now though!
Excellent captures, Ken. I like how you the tree trunks and branches in the compositions as well as the subjects themselves.
Also, thanks so much for the comment on he video clip, it is much appreciated.
Very nice shots. I like the 2nd shot with the vertical aspect. Looks like he's getting ready to fly away at any moment!
Wow, Ken, those are perfect!
Great pictures Ken. These small birds visiting your feeder are truly beautiful. Here we have only one representative of the family Togloditidae, the Winter Wren (Troglodites troglodytes), we have no such diversity of Wren. The image is of a Carolina Wren (T. ludovicianus), is not it? Greetings from Spain!
Those sure dont look like my backyard birds. :) :) I love the snow and your birds are amazing. They bring a smile to my face. Lovely shots.
Aloha, Renee :) :)
What a nice series. I would like to have such a beautiful creatures in my backyard.
The titmouse is my favorite.
These all are favorites of mine!
I don't think I've ever seen a purple finch before.
Wonnnnderful photography :)
Smoked Off Face at the Willingdon Crescent in Jamnagar
Birdhouses, Birdfeeders, Birdbath
Very beautiful birds. Nice photos all. :)))
precios serie de pajarillos.
en españa el primero se llama PARDILLO
el segundo MITO
y el tercero CHOCHIN
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