The post for today is the Trumpeter Swan. The top image is of an adult and the bottom is a juvenile. The juvenile has more grey coloring in the neck and head area.
Monticello is said to have the largest winter congregation of Trumpeter Swans in the world. Trumpeter Swans are the largest of the North American swans as well as the largest waterfowl species in the United States. Most Trumpeters weigh in at 21-30 pounds, but some can attain a weight of 35 pounds. They have a huge 7 foot wingspan. Trumpeter Swans form pair bonds at 3-4 years old and usually mate for life.
A fellow photographer friend by the name of Jose Hernandez just started up a blog. We traveled together on this trip to MN. He was an award winner of the National Geographic Photo Contest in 2008. His image of three clashing eagles is the last photo on the link series within "English Edition". If you get a chance take a gander at his blog.
Blue Skies
So beautiful
Perfect. I like the flight shots!
Ken: You do get around for some great captures. I love the flying swan shots.
Once again you have captured the perfect shot Ken.
I will check him out Ken, I remember the three eagles photo, an awesome shot but only an honerable mention, he deserved better for that photo.
Great shots as always, happy shooting.
Hi Ken, you get excellent pictures of these beautiful swans in flight. Excellent, like all your gallery. Congratulations!
Thanks to you for his comments,excellent pictures.
Beautiful Ken, such graceful birds!
The flight shots are great! If you make your way back to the swan park, I found out last week that some swans will congregate at Ellison Park (just a hop skip & a jump down from where you were)early in morning. A friend of mine who does wildlife photography as well, got close enough to take some macro shots. Just a tip for your next trip!
These are really lovely. Thanks for visiting my blog. :) :)
Aloha, Renee :)
Awesome flight shots Ken.
Geart series of shots Ken beautifully caught in flight !!
Fantastic photos, as always. You are what I strive to become as a photographer.
I'm heading over to check out Jose's blog now.
P.S. I really love your blog header, it reminds me of my dad and his wolfdog every time I look at it.
Thanks for the link and the beautiful pics.
Beautiful birds. Even they can be a bit angry. Liek that you captured them flying. Well done.
That is one beautiful action shot. Anna :)
I love the Swan Photos. I think they are totally cool to watch such a huge bird in flight. I especially enjoy watching them circle to land on ponds and lakes. Wonderful captures.
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