Saturday, September 27, 2008

RMNP Marmot

This photo of a Marmot was captured in Rocky Mountain National Park. While on the park road I observed some movement in a small grass area adjacent to some rocks. I pulled ahead and parked and slowly walked back to the location. Looking around I found a Marmot burrow. I situated myself so that the sun was directly behind my back and would bathe the burrow with morning light. It took about twenty minutes before the Marmot stuck his head out to check around for the first time. After awhile he became comfortable with my presence and I was able to get close enough for a full frame shot and decent eye contact pose.


The Birdlady said...

Oh my goodness! Your blog is stunning! I can't even believe these images....Thank you for visiting wingsnthings and leading me here.

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful image. I have never seen one of these in person.

Anonymous said...

Ken, Wonderful picture. I am to impatient to wait 20 minutes for a animal to come out... LOL I am heading back to the park this week. I need to get my fix of elk.

Unknown said...

Beautiful shot...and that too full frame is just wonderful.