Friday, February 6, 2009

Monticello, MN

First day in Monticello, Minnesota proved to be productive at the Trupeter Swam location. Had a few hours of decent light and was able to capture some keepers. This area in MN on the Mississippi River has the largest congregation of Trumpeter Swans in the world. The featured image is of a male Trumpeter up and displaying for a female. Headed north tomorrow in search of owls. Blue Skies.


Twisted Fencepost said...

Beautiful picture, Ken. I'm soooo jealous!!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

What a fantastic action shot Ken! Excellent as usual.

Unknown said...

Superb shot! I was excited (and curious) to check out your site after chatting with you today at the swan park. Your work is fantastic and very inspiring. Thanks for the inspiration. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself today...for the record, it's gidje. :O) Happy travels to you.

Brad Myers said...

Great shot Ken and good luck with the owls. For winter you are traveling the wrong direction, you should be headed south for the warm. Good luck and have a safe trip.

Stacey Olson said...

Beautiful. we rarely get owls here and I think it is even more rare durring the mating season... be safe..

Philip said...

Now this is a great capture perfect !!