Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Since I haven't had the opportunity to photograph the last few weeks went back to the cache of images I captured from Rocky Mountain National Park. This bull was ridiculously close to the road in one of the main fields near the eastern side park campground. He was certainly habituated to tourists. With average lighting waited until he did something interesting like bugle before taking a shot. Regardless of the situation, always neat to be so close to such a stoic animal.


Unknown said...

I understand your feeling very well. it was an incredible moment being this close to the bull. When I saw your image I was reminded of one of my close encounters with a Asiatic Elephant in one of my jeep safaris in Kabini, India. The elephant was so close to the jeep that with a 300mm lens all I could get was the just the eye of the elephant.

Ivar Østtun said...

A beautiful shot. Great details. A strong looking fellow :-)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Ken: The bugle of the bull has tobe an exciting time to get a photo.

Brad Myers said...

Another great photo Ken. People really don't know what they are missing until they get up close to a bugling elk.

How id the show go last week, I hope you got rich off it, LOL.

Stacey Olson said...

stunning image. I myself have not been capturing many images either.. but as the rut picks up here, maybe that will all change.

Willard said...

Great shot, Ken. That's my favorite time to photograph them.

kjpweb said...

Woah! Incredible detail! Loving it!
Cheers, Klaus

Modesto Viegas said...

great shot!!!